Jennifer Lopez denies that Ben Affleck has her Social Media passwords and Bank Card

In a recent interview, Jennifer Lopez has set the record straight about the rumors concerning her personal security and privacy. The multi-talented superstar has firmly denied that her husband, Ben Affleck, has access to her social media passwords or bank card information.

**Addressing the Rumors**

Jennifer Lopez, often in the spotlight for her personal and professional life, found herself at the center of speculation about her privacy. Rumors had circulated suggesting that Ben Affleck, her husband since their rekindled romance and subsequent marriage, had access to her most private information, including social media passwords and bank card details.

Jennifer Lopez, right, and Ben Affleck pose for photographers upon arrival at the premiere of the film ‘The Last Duel’ during the 78th edition of the Venice Film Festival in Venice, Italy, Friday, Sept. 10, 2021. (Photo by Joel C Ryan/Invision/AP)

**A Firm Denial**

In an exclusive interview with a prominent entertainment magazine, Jennifer Lopez addressed these rumors head-on. “Let me be very clear,” she stated emphatically. “Ben does not have access to my social media accounts or my bank cards. These rumors are completely unfounded and false.”

**Maintaining Privacy and Security**

Lopez explained the importance of maintaining her privacy and security in an era where personal information can easily be compromised. “As someone in the public eye, it’s crucial for me to protect my personal information. Ben and I respect each other’s privacy and boundaries. We trust each other completely, and part of that trust is respecting our individual spaces.”

**A Unified Front**

Despite the rumors, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck continue to present a united and supportive front. The couple, who have been through their share of public scrutiny, remain focused on their relationship and respective careers. “We both have demanding careers and a blended family to care for,” Lopez shared. “It’s essential for us to maintain a balance and ensure our personal and professional lives are kept secure.”

**Fans’ Reactions**

Fans of the couple have shown their support following Lopez’s statement. Social media platforms were flooded with messages praising her for addressing the rumors directly and maintaining her stance on privacy and security. “JLo is right to protect her privacy. It’s her life, and she has every right to keep it secure,” one fan commented.

**Looking Forward**

Jennifer Lopez continues to inspire her fans not only through her music and acting but also by standing up for her privacy and setting clear boundaries. As she moves forward, Lopez remains committed to her career, her family, and maintaining the trust and respect within her marriage to Ben Affleck.

By addressing these rumors, Jennifer Lopez has reaffirmed her stance on privacy and security, proving once again that she is not only a superstar but also a strong and assertive individual who values her personal integrity.

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