Only once in her life Zendaya scolded her father, the reason was her daughter

“It wasn’t anything harsh,” Zendaya said, “but it felt like he wasn’t understanding how I wanted to raise my child to be free, confident, and to express herself fully.”

Though the comment was meant as advice, it hit a nerve for Zendaya. “I’m all for structure and values, but I also want my daughter to grow up in an environment where she feels heard and respected, not just following rules for the sake of it,” she shared.

In a rare moment of frustration, Zendaya found herself raising her voice at her father. “It was the first and only time I ever scolded him. I respect him so much, but as a mom, I had to defend my way of raising my child.”

The disagreement was brief, and Zendaya emphasized that the situation didn’t damage their strong relationship. “We talked about it afterward, and I think he understood that times are different. I know he only wants what’s best for his granddaughter, and I appreciate that.”

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